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Turning data into local insight

Analytics & Reporting 

We offer a range of custom services to fit needs, budget, and timing. Services always include a focus on what to do with what we find, as well as presentation of results to key stakeholders. 

Tracking Subscriptions 

We offer monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual reporting on industry topics to measure and understand changes in the industry. KPIs are developed and tracked based on your organization's needs and goals. Each report includes recommendations and consulting based on trends observed, signals in the data, and strategic and tactical implications of content. 

For example, in Offshore Wind, public perception & activity tracking using online & social media data is an ideal way to stay on top of what public and local stakeholders think and what types of content they encounter, and also identify information gaps and communication/engagement needs and opportunities. 


Topic Deep Dives

Using a varying combination of data sources, we can tell you everything you need to know on a topic. These types of reports can focus on a specific topic or multiple topics, go as deep as you'd like based on time/budget/needs, and can serve as a baseline for additional or ongoing topic tracking. 

In short, if you need a landscape understanding or specific questions answered on a topic or competitor, we can take that off your plate and come back to you with everything you need to know (and what you should do about it). 


Public Data Collection & Reporting 

We can engage directly with public or industry stakeholders to collect information and inform strategic or tactical initiatives,  or as part of an ongoing  stakeholder engagement and incorporation strategy. This can include attending and  summarizing public industry events (so you don't have to attend), public polling to better understand opinions and perceptions in key communities, or conducting stakeholder interviews or focus groups to obtain feedback from a range of individuals. 


Crisis Management 

In the event you need it, we can help monitor and gauge the impact and reach of problematic topics that affect the industry and/or your organization. This can include daily social media and press activity monitoring, as well as linguistic analysis of related and circulated content to develop short and long term (counter)communication strategy. 



We offer a range of consulting services that can include providing communication and (digital) marketing support to specific and shorter term projects and initiatives, as well as ongoing support to your internal marketing, communication, and community engagement teams so we can free your people up to tackle the bigger things. 

Secondary Data We Typically Analyze + Why 



Online & Social Media 

This data is ideal for learning and incorporating how you and the industry are being perceived and what public stakeholder groups and individuals think and feel, as well as what the press are saying. It is also ideal for developing and tracking organizational and industry KPIs.


We can look at broad or really specific topics. We can measure and track things like post volume and sentiment over time. We can detect and even anticipate changes in the conversation.  And we can focus on and compare specific geographic regions. 


This is typically used for public perception tracking, reputation or crisis management, detecting organizational and industry threats, communication strategy building & refinement, and community & individual engagement opportunity identification. 



This type of data and research exercise is used to assess the impact other organizations are having within the market and determine what that means for you as an organization, as well as the industry more broadly.

We look at what competitive organizations are reporting and projecting, as well as what others are reporting about them. This could be a broad analysis, or looking specifically element of the organization or their operation (like community engagement, DEIJ, local content, etc. ).


This kind of analysis leads to competitive and own organizational positioning assessments, as well as strategic and tactical recommendations around public communication, marketing, engagement, and other opportunities for distinction and advantage.


Journals & Publications

In order to develop a comprehensive expert perspective on a topic, we can access relevant research and publications. Analysis can be performed on publicly available content or additional sources requiring paid subscription, as needed. 

This type of more traditional and scientific desk research is utilized to give your organization a quick yet substantial understanding of expert research and opinion in order to inform strategic decisions.


Again, we can do the legwork to give your organization and key decision-makers the best, most current, and most relevant information available from expert sources while they focus on other aspects of their roles and the organization. 

We select and combine data sources depending on your specific needs. 

Request an Example

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